Disaster Response

Disaster Response


Our team are experienced in responding to natural disasters such as hurricanes & tropical storms, tornadoes & severe storms, cyclones, wildfires, floods, earthquakes, and drought.

We offer services such as medical support, reconstruction and procurement and logistics services and work closely with governments, relief organizations and NGO’s.

Disaster Response

Natural Disasters

Natural disasters have a far-reaching impact on countries, its citizens, corporations and the environment. Level of preparedness directly influences the capability to absorb the impact of a disaster. Our teams are skilled in disaster planning, response and management and are experienced in projects related to hurricanes & tropical storms, tornadoes & severe storms, cyclones, wildfires, floods, earthquakes, and drought.

We provide on-the-ground support to our clients in any natural disaster where speed and efficiency are critical in managing response. We have successfully assisted clients with projects ranging from small scale repairs or remedial work, to full-scale rebuilds, as well as the procurement, provision and establishment of critical consumables such as food, water, power, shelter, medical and hygiene requirements.

Our teams have operated in highly secure environments such as military or air force bases and worked in conjunction with other primary or secondary contractors in a holistic approach that ensures an effective and favorable outcome.

Disaster response solution offering:

  1. Medical support: Special medical teams to support in challenging environments, consisting of paramedics, medical officers, RNs, and specialists.
  2. Post disaster debris management & removal: Assists clients with collection and removal of various types of debris, from infectious waste, electronic waste, damaged vehicles or trucks, damaged forestry and other trees, and decomposable debris.
  3. Equipment rental and logistics: Includes cranes, trucks, generators, construction and plant equipment, temporary accommodation, clinics and offices.
  4. Project site clearing, construction and establishment
  5. Turn-key post disaster re-build, re-construction and remedial work (including construction of factories, hangers, warehouses, or other facilities). This includes work on military and air force bases.
  6. Health & hygiene management, as well as water removal and mold remediation. This includes provision of Industrial Hygienists and other skills required.
  7. Logistics management: Including procurement and logistics of water, food, fuel, shelter and medical requirements.